Light a Candle
Not being able to pray together in Church, whether due to illness or “Stay at Home” directives for the benefit of public health, can be difficult. In our tradition, those prayers begin with lighting candles. If you’d like to light a candle and offer a prayer, you can do so by clicking the “Light a Candle” button and making an offering to St. Haralambos Church. Before clicking on the “Donate Now” button, please submit any names of those for whom you are offering prayers in the “Write a Note” section, and an actual candle will be lit and prayers offered at the next scheduled Divine Liturgy.
Stewardship Offering and General Donations
If you would like to make a donation please click the button below.
To become a steward fill out the Stewardship Form and return to the Church office, use the donate button to make a one-time or recurring credit or debit donation.
A Journey to Fullness
If you would like to sign up for this adult education class, please select single or couple and click the “Buy Now” button.