Parish Organizations and Ministries
“There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all.” (1Cor. 12:4)
With these words St. Paul makes clear that our diverse gifts, ministries and activities all come from One and the same God. All God-given gifts are to equip believers for various ministries in the Church. We glorify God by understanding and putting our gifts to good use.
What are your God-given gifts and talents? Look at the various organizations and ministries below. If you’d like to get involved or learn more about one or more, please email the church office at office@StHaralambosAZ.com.
Parish Council
The parish council helps establish solid administrative protocols and drive lay participation in the mission of St. Haralambos Church. Solidify parish financial foundation and lay the groundwork to accommodate the future of our parish.
InTouch Newsletter
Be part of the team that publishes our monthly parish newsletter, which is primarily a means of sending information about parish events and activities.
Help maintain our parish website to continually provide news and information on parish events and activities, as well as offer information on Orthodox Christianity to others inquiring about the Faith.
Sunday School
The mission of the Sunday School program is to serve the parish youth and families of St. Haralambos Church by supporting and encouraging their religious education as they: Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18)
Adult Education
Present the teachings and traditions of the Orthodox Christian Faith, comparing and contrasting with other Christian traditions, as well as the history and development of the Orthodox Church in the US and throughout the world.
Bible Study
“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2Timothy 3:16) The Scriptures speak clearly about the benefits of reading scripture! All Christians should develop a habit of regular reading from the bible, but should complement their reading with Orthodox patristic commentaries to help avoid the pitfall of private interpretation.
Oratorical Festival
To give young people an opportunity to learn, write and speak about their Orthodox Faith, Church and Heritage.
Grounds/Building Maintenance & Supplies
Provide regular repair and maintenance of parish grounds and buildings.
Forever Young
Bring the senior members of our parish together to enjoy fellowship and a variety of activities.
Greek Folk Dancing
Continue to teach traditional Greek Folk dances to our parish youth.
Youth Group
Provide opportunities for parish youth to spend time together in a fun way while learning about our faith.
Young Adults
This ministry brings young adults (ages 18 – 35) together for discussion, service activities and fellowship.
Greek Festival and Other Events
Raise community awareness of St. Haralambos Church and its mission by offering attendees an enjoyable Greek food and dance festival.
Warmly greet newcomers and visitors to our Church; help them feel welcome. Offer help in following along in the Divine Liturgy, introduce them to others during Coffee Hour. Provide a Welcome Packet containing information on our parish. Offer to follow up with a phone call during the week, and help new families feel like part of our Church family.
Sunday Coffee Hour
Promote and encourage fellowship of parishioners and guests following Sunday services.
Provide an organized approach to assist parishioners and visitors during services.
Missions & Evangelism
Organizes and plans ways to reach out to lapsed parish families and/or the un-churched, to invite and encourage their return.
Caring Friends
To keep in touch with our Parishioners who are shut-ins, ill, in the hospital or care facility; to let them know they are loved, cared about and not forgotten.
Community Food Bank
Organizes food drives throughout the year to benefit local community Food Banks and City of Peoria Community Action Agency.
To promote charitable, benevolent and philanthropic outreach to preserve the sanctity of life and family, and to perpetuate and promote our Orthodox faith and traditions.
Prayer & Worship
A Gathering of Prayer
In creating the prayer group, this ministry hopes to foster spiritual and personal growth within our parish by providing the tools and organization for our parish members to use in expressing their love for each other by group prayer; providing a spiritual act of charity on an ongoing basis for members of our parish family by praying the 40-Day Memorial Akathist as needed.
Adult Choir
For those who enjoy singing praise to God for Sunday liturgies and other worship services, our adult choir sings hymns arranged for mixed choir (male and female voices) with organ accompaniment. The goal is to help create a reverent atmosphere most conducive for prayer and spiritual inspiration.
Altar Servers
Available for men and boys over the age of 10, who would like to assist in the altar during worship services.
Floral Décor
Adornment of Church and icons with flowers for special acknowledgement of various liturgical holy days and seasons.
Memorial wheat (Koliva)
Providing the traditional Memorial Wheat (Koliva) as needed for Sunday Memorial Services.
Offering Bread (Prosfora)
The goal is to promote awareness of the importance and use of the Offering Bread, and recruit and teach parishioners how to prepare it as needed.
Readers (Sunday)
Offer the training and opportunity for parishioners to read the Sunday Epistle during the Divine Liturgy.
Readers (Lent)
Assist with readings during Lenten services.
To teach and promote Christian Stewardship as an active commitment to use our time, talent and treasures for the benefit of humankind in grateful acknowledgment of Christ’s redeeming love.
Strategic Planning
This ministry develops and prepares long-term goals and objectives for the parish.